Campus Broadcasts

showing 131 - 140, total 666
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Annual Book Exhibition 2008-20091:13 Annual Book Exhibition 2008-2009

Annual Book Exhibition 2008-2009

posted 2009-02-25
English | tagged Book Exhibition, Hall
四旬期Lenten Campaign12:07 四旬期
Lenten Campaign

Lenten Campaign

posted 2009-03-12
廣東話 | tagged Lenten Campaign
Current Affair Talk51:46 Current Affair Talk

Current Affair Talk

posted 2009-03-24
廣東話 | tagged Talk
Lee's Scholarships31:24 Lee's Scholarships

Lee's Scholarships

posted 2009-03-27
師生辯論賽 - Teacher Student Debate 2008-200947:24 師生辯論賽 - Teacher Student Debate 2008-2009

師生辯論賽 - Teacher Student Debate 2008-2009

posted 2009-03-27
廣東話 | tagged Chinese Debate
Assembly - March 2009 (Junior Forms)32:42 Assembly - March 2009 (Junior Forms)

Assembly - March 2009 (Junior Forms)

posted 2009-03-27
English | tagged Assembly
第二十六屆中文書法比賽26th Chinese Calligraphy Competition23:00 第二十六屆中文書法比賽
26th Chinese Calligraphy Competition


posted 2009-03-30
廣東話 | tagged Art, Calligraphy, Chinese, Competition
Influenza A Virus Subtype H1N1 Alert2:09 Influenza A Virus Subtype H1N1 Alert

Influenza A Virus Subtype H1N1 Alert

posted 2009-05-05
English | tagged Alert, Disease Prevention, Flu
論私隱 你有份 智能身份證保安  Privacy Reports - Security measures of Smart ID Card5:25 論私隱 你有份 智能身份證保安
Privacy Reports - Security measures of Smart ID Card

論私隱 你有份 智能身份證保安
Privacy Reports - Security measures of Smart ID Card

posted 2009-05-19
廣東話 | tagged Promotion
Drama Festival15:19 Drama Festival

Drama Festival

posted 2009-05-20
English | tagged Drama, Festival