We offer a holistic, liberating and transforming Catholic education within a learning community for students and staff to become progressively competent, committed, compassionate, spiritual, and ethically discerning persons with a universal heart contributing to the welfare and happiness of all, in particular the poor and the neglected.

Wah Yan College, Hong Kong
showing 351 - 360, total 605

Wah Yan College, Hong Kong - Cross Country Team - Promoted to D1
posted 2011-11-26

2011 Inter-school Swimming Championships - 即日精選重溫
posted 2011-10-19

On 12 July 2011, twenty-six student of F.2 and F.3 staged 3 short plays in Spanish in the presence of their parents, teacher and principal to mark the end of the 1st year of Spanish course offered in Wah Yan.
posted 2011-10-03

本節目將會介紹華仁音樂團體之一的中樂團,讓各位對的中樂團有更深的理解和認識。另外,究竟人稱「呀叔」的中樂團指揮吳汝洲老師對中樂團有甚麼評價和意見呢? 本集「華音共鳴 —— 中樂團」將為大家一一揭開!
posted 2011-09-13

Marymount Secondary School Campus TV and Wah Yan Star Studio presents: Joint School Production - 人際關係與溝通
by Tang Yui San
posted 2011-08-09

Let us bring you to Genesis! [HD]
posted 2011-07-02