WYHK 47th Student Association Proposed Cabinet No.1 (2013-14) - Iznova
WYHK 47th Student Association Proposed Cabinet No.1 (2013-14) - Iznova

Our name, Iznova, has the literal meaning of ‘the new start’, ‘new era’ and ‘restart’. It is not referring that the student association needs a new start, but instead, it means to motivate students to become proactive. With the goal being achieved, students can thus bring the school into a new start.

“The journey of a thousand leagues begins with a single step.” - Laozi
“And there's always a way to begin with.” – Autumn Doughton

All glory comes from daring to begin.


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We. The Iznovians.2:51 We. The Iznovians.

Passionate, full with energy and enthusiastic, each of us have our unique characteristic, ability and potential. With the mutual hope of commencing glory for our dearest fellows, we assembled together to realize our dream.

posted 2013-06-05
English | tagged Promotion, Student Association